Polling Archive
An archive of data tables for all published polling conducted by Labour Together. If you can’t find a data table for a poll by Labour Together, please contact info@labourtogether.co.uk
Labour Together carries out its polling in a similar way to many pollsters in the UK. You can find out more about our methodology here.
Labour Together - Cambridge & Peterborough CA Polling:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 822 adults online between the 6th and 10th of March 2024. Figures were weighted to be both demographically and politically representative of people in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CA. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together/YouGov - Employers’ National Insurance Tables:
Labour Together commissioned YouGov to conduct a poll of 6,388 GB adults between the 15th and 18th of October 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together - Election Review Tables (Scotland):
Labour Together conducted a poll of 1,466 Scottish adults online between the 29th of August and 6th of September 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Scots. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together - Election Review Tables (GB):
Labour Together conducted a poll of 10,209 adults online between the 15th and 25th of July 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together - Sunday Times video testing tables:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 2,180 adults online between the 31st of July and 2nd of August 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together Conservative members poll:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 537 members of the Conservative Party online between the 12th and 17th of April 2024. Figures were weighted to be representative of Conservative Party members. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together voting intention big poll:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 9,403 adults online between the 19th and 29th of April 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together North Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayoralty polling:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 823 adults online between the 26th and 30th of April 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of people in the Yorkshire combined authority. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together / Daily Mirror favourability polling:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 1,002 adults online between the 21st and 22nd of March 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together Sunak jobs polling:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 1,036 adults online between the 14th and 15th of March 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together voting intention poll:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 1,036 adults online between the 14th and 15th of March 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together polling on the timing of the next general election:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 2,014 adults online between the 17th and 20th of February 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together polling on Nigel Farage:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 2,014 adults online between the 17th and 20th of February 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.
Labour Together polling on Standards among MPs:
Labour Together conducted a poll of 2,014 adults online between the 17th and 20th of February 2024. Figures were weighted to be both nationally and politically representative of all Britons. For full data tables, see here.